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Stop adding annotation / comments automatically?

Dave Bartos

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Dave Bartos

I just want to not have a comment / annotation happen every time I add something. For example, I draw a line with the line tool and I get an annotation. I add a text box and get another annotation. By the time I'm done there are dozens of these empty comments that serve no purpose for me. If I hover my mouse over any of these elements, a tooltip with my name shows up which I don't want on my documents. I see that I can "optimize" and remove all of those annotations in one shot but that is another step added to the process that doesn't need to be there.

Is there a way to have the program STOP making comments automatically? I have already tried going to Preferences > Commenting > General and turned off "Retain Markup Tools" as well as deselected "Print comment's details (author, creation date and time) also in the commenting section.

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