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Auto-Bookmarks - Keyword List

Ernst Pintar

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Ernst Pintar

Hello, testing Nitro at the moment.

For the "Auto Build Bookmark" feature's keyword list, is there a way to have the keyword search for a continuous string of words?

Example: "Consolidated Leverage Ratio"

In my testing, Nitro bookmarks every single instance of:
• "Consolidated"
• "Leverage"
• "Ratio"

This results in many unrelated bookmarks beyond "Consolidated Leverage Ratio".
for example:  "Consolidated Net Income", "maximum leverage", "the ratio cannot exceed", etc.

All I would like for it to bookmark is exactly any instance of "Consolidated Leverage Ratio".

Is there some syntax to put in the keyword file?

I tried:

"Consolidated Leverage Ratio" and
'Consolidated Leverage Ratio'

but neither of them worked ...

Would appreciate any guidance and tam thankful!

Please let me know and thanks,



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