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Cannot Edit certain Documents


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I have certain documents that when I click the Edit tool and then try to pick a paragraph I do not get a red box but rather a blue tool to draw a box but cannot edit anything in it.

I checked the security settings and they were correct


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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @sblount@southstreetadv.com

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

The expected behavior when you are in Edit mode, is a light blue box will appear as you mouse hover a text.
Clicking on it will change the cursor to I-cursor (insertion point). This happens if the text is an editable text and not an image text.

Please download the attached PDF file and see if the issue persists. If not, the issue may be isolated to the document you are trying to edit. 


You may share the exact steps taken and the PDF file that can trigger the issue. I'll try on my end if the issue can be reproduced. 

Kind regards, 

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File you sent was editable but we have file that is causing problem.  Is there a way to send you our file to look at?

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