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Why copy and paste fields may not work

Ed Isenberg

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I noticed I could copy or cut fields in one Nitro Pro PDF but I couldn't paste them into another Nitro Pro PDF. It turns out that some of the fields I copied were textbox fields with no name. You cannot copy a checkbox field with no name. You can cut it, but it won't appear in your clipboard. As far as I can tell you cannot make a field with no name. The checkboxes appeared with a vertical black line in the upper left corner, like a bold lowercase letter L. I gave them names, sometimes that worked, sometimes it didn't. I had the PDF stored as a resource in Visual Studio. Those fields without names were still being populated by iTextSharp's library. It all started when Nitro Pro crashed when I was editing the PDF. Even adding a new checkbox would create a checkbox that couldn't be copied. I eventually had to start a new PDF.

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