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Brad Hutton

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I cannot log into Nitro Pro 13 or activate it. I deactivated Nitro Pro 13 from my laptop yesterday and moved Nitro to a new W11 PC. I activated it last night and all was fine. But this morning Nitro states it is not activated and is a trail version. I cannot log in either......... says I entered my log in wrong, too many times, which I did not. Your online support is not helping. I have my SN but will not make public here. I also when trying to seek help get rejected by your system saying my email is not a bossiness email. It is the same email I log into my account online with success. I am not a bossiness never was I purchased for home use. So how do I get support?



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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Brad Hutton

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums. 
I apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. 

In checking your purchase record, I can see that you have a version 13 license. I have adjusted this license so you can reactivate your Nitro PDF Pro. 
To activate, launch the application and then navigate to the Help tab > About Nitro Pro > Activate, enter the serial number then click Activate.

If you receive an activation error message, please take note of it and provide the version and complete build of your Nitro PDF Pro. This can be located in the application under the Help tab > About Nitro Pro. 

Kind regards, 

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Thanks for response, I still am unable to active.

Nitro Pro

When I try to active I get a proxy error, not sure what that is, I select manual on that screen then it takes me to a screen to enter SN. I do that and the hit activate it then takes me to certificate screen (nitro-Pro Activation Assistant) in which the link on the screen does nothing.  I enter the URL manually I go to a webpage "Activation Certificate" but the is no certificate there.




PS......I would upgrade if I could find a reasonable price package but I am retired and I use Nitro for Home us only. I have it or at least I did have it installed on two computers that I use. I could use three Lic. one for my laptop, I had to deactivat it on my laptop so I could enter it on my new PC build.. I tried to contact sales via the website but every time I try to send the support sales request I get an error..... my email is not a valid "BUSINESS" email. The email I entered is the one I used to purchase originally and the one I am logged in with.

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To anyone that is out there!!!!!


Wello I guess I am just going to have to uninstall Nitro and go to EaseUs PDF. It is cheaper anyway. I have gotten no help on my issue with activation. I have two Licenses (Nitro Pro 13) that I cannot activate. One I deactivated on my Laptop to move the license to a new PC build. Now I have another PC that crashed over the weekend thanks to MS W11 update and I had to do a W11 install. I could not not deactivate Nitro before crash so now no license is available. Support is not good with Nitro. When I sign into my account online my deices do not show so I  may deactivate or active online like most other software companies. In fact I see a product call "Sign" which I did not want or knew I had, it says expired. In 2020 I purchased Nitro Pro that I could install on two PC's, no subscription, so I was told and thought. I am sorry I have to write this but I am very frustrated. Having a good product means nothing if services is bad. I know I am a home user and not IBM but I am a customer.

You can go to the best and finest restaurant that serves the greatest food but if service is bad and you do not get your food I bet you would not return again.


Brad Hutton

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi @Brad Hutton

I apologize for the delay in getting back to your update. 

I recommend updating your Nitro PDF Pro 13 installation to the latest build, which is
You can find the installer from the link below:

https://www.gonitro.com/product-details/downloads - Please ensure to click the 'Download Nitro Pro 13' link. 

Run the executable installer, and it will install the latest build of Nitro PDF Pro 13. 
After the installation, verify the build by launching the application and then navigate to the Help tab > About Nitro Pro. 

Once confirmed that your installation is on, please click Activate, and it should prompt you to enter the serial number. 
Please let me know if the activation process still redirects to the manual activation process. 

Kind regards,

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