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Trouble upgrading from 10 to 14

Huy Phan Đăng

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Huy Phan Đăng

Hi, I have Nitro pro 10 since forever. It was recently that I found out you guys have put out 14 version so I wanted to upgrade to it. However, when I tries to enter my serial number of nitro pro 10 to nitro pro 14, it said serial number should only contain numerical value and wont allow me to activate. Can you help me?

my nitro pro 10 serial: NP10D3B57586A5428035

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Huy Phan Đăng,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

We have Googled your serial number NP10D3B57586A5428035 and it is available on these web pages:






My apologies but Nitro Support cannot assist you further due to a serial number that does not exist in our licensing server because it is a fraudulent / cracked one.

If you are interested in purchasing 'Nitro Pro' from our website, kindly visit https://www.gonitro.com/pricing 

Thank you and have a nice day!

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