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Custom Stamps inserted with Nitro do not appear in pdf document when viewed with other viwers like Adobe.

Costas Santamas

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Costas Santamas

Custom Stamps inserted with Nitro do not appear in pdf document when viewed with other viewers like Adobe.
These Custom Stamps worked fine previously. I thing the problem appeared after update or
Inserting the images which were used to create the custom stamps works just fine. The images are visible to third party

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Costas Santamas
On 12/20/2023 at 3:21 PM, Costas Santamas said:

Custom Stamps inserted with Nitro do not appear in pdf document when viewed with other viewers like Adobe.
These Custom Stamps worked fine previously. I thing the problem appeared after update or
Inserting the images which were used to create the custom stamps works just fine. The images are visible to third party

No response from Nitro support. I unistalled version, installed previous version, rectivated and now custom stamps work fine.
I hope Nitro PDF Pro  14 will be corrected in a future update.

Edited by Costas Santamas
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  • 1 month later...
  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Costas Santamas

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

This issue has been fixed in the future build of Nitro PDF Pro 14.
The 14.14 build is not affected by this issue, and downgrading to this build is the current workaround. 

I recommend following our Release Notes page for new release updates. 
We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. 

Kind regards, 

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  • 1 month later...
Nancy Cleveland


I am responding to this post because I am having a similar issue, but I am not able to start a new topic - topic selections are grayed out.

I am using Nitro PDF Pro 14 at work (also have Nitro Pro 13 at home). 

At work on version 14, I am printing primarily Invoices using Nitro as my printer.  I have two custom stamps for entering the Invoice information into separate programs and then am also adding a brief text box identifying the posting number.  However, when I save the document, the stamps do not save with the document.  I have tried CTRL S, the save Icon and clicking YES when closing the document and asked if I want to save changes.

Sometime, after about 6 save, close reopen attempts one stamp will save with the document.  However, the second stamp des not save and sometimes only the text box saves to the document.  This is extremely frustrating and highly ineffective!  I specifically recommended Nitro to my employer for the custom stamp features (also the append feature).

I am able to do all of this with my version 13 at home.

Please help!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Nancy Cleveland

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!
I apologize for the delay in replying to your post in this thread. 

Could you please provide the exact build of your Nitro PDF Pro 14? The details are in the application under the Help tab > About Nitro Pro. 

Kind regards, 

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Costas Santamas
6 hours ago, Reymund Oyong said:

Greetings @Nancy Cleveland

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!
I apologize for the delay in replying to your post in this thread. 

Could you please provide the exact build of your Nitro PDF Pro 14? The details are in the application under the Help tab > About Nitro Pro. 

Kind regards, 

The problem with custom stamps has been solved with version Nitro Pro Pdf
On my computer everything is back to normal after

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Costas Santamas
On 4/18/2024 at 11:14 PM, Nancy Cleveland said:


I am responding to this post because I am having a similar issue, but I am not able to start a new topic - topic selections are grayed out.

I am using Nitro PDF Pro 14 at work (also have Nitro Pro 13 at home). 

At work on version 14, I am printing primarily Invoices using Nitro as my printer.  I have two custom stamps for entering the Invoice information into separate programs and then am also adding a brief text box identifying the posting number.  However, when I save the document, the stamps do not save with the document.  I have tried CTRL S, the save Icon and clicking YES when closing the document and asked if I want to save changes.

Sometime, after about 6 save, close reopen attempts one stamp will save with the document.  However, the second stamp des not save and sometimes only the text box saves to the document.  This is extremely frustrating and highly ineffective!  I specifically recommended Nitro to my employer for the custom stamp features (also the append feature).

I am able to do all of this with my version 13 at home.

Please help!!!

The problem with custom stamps has been solved with version Nitro Pro Pdf
On my computer everything is back to normal after

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Costas Santamas
On 2/20/2024 at 5:48 PM, Reymund Oyong said:

Greetings @Costas Santamas

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

This issue has been fixed in the future build of Nitro PDF Pro 14.
The 14.14 build is not affected by this issue, and downgrading to this build is the current workaround. 

I recommend following our Release Notes page for new release updates. 
We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused. 

Kind regards, 

The problem with custom stamps has been solved with version Nitro Pro Pdf
On my computer everything is back to normal after

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