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PLEASE FIX--ongoing issues trying to save PDFs to Google G drive

Rachel Lester

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Rachel Lester

Hello--hoping to find an updated fix to this ongoing issue. Have wasted hours at this point due to Nitro freezing or not saving PDFs to Google G drive, which is where I need to save them. Saving to desktop is an unacceptable fix that is a waste of time. Have tried uninstalling v14 and reinstalling v13, and now Nitro won't even OPEN any PDFs, not to mention save them where I need them.

Have been a Nitro user for 5 years and recommended to others, but I'm at my wit's end at this point. PLEASE HELP! Thank you for your time and assistance!

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  • 1 month later...
  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Rachel Lester

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

Our Product Team is already aware of this issue where Nitro PDF Pro does not respond (hangs) when saving the file to Google G: drive through Windows File Explorer.
This issue has been documented and submitted for their review. However, I apologize if we cannot provide an exact timeline for the fix.

I understand that the workaround, which is saving to local drive first and copying the file to Google G: drive, adds additional steps to your workflow. However, this is workaround that is available at the moment to avoid this issue. 

Thank you for your patience while we are looking for a fix to this issue. Updated information will be posted on our Release Notes page located here https://www.gonitro.com/product-details/release-notes 

Kind regards, 

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  • 2 months later...
Jonathan Cutler

I am having the same problem.  I've been a user for 10 years now I think.  Got everyone in my company to buy it.  Our entire company network is a Google Drive these days.  I got a new computer and now Nitro hangs every time I try and save a document.   I cannot save to the desktop and copy the file 20 or 30 times a day, stupid.  I am going to have to find another program if this doesn't get fixed.  Can I get my money back?  Can I revert to a prior version?   I don't have the problem on my other computers with older versions.   Please advise.   Like this user, I've spent MANY hours trying to fix this thinking it was my security software or some other set up issue.   I need to know if and when this will be fixed.  Thanks.

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  • 2 months later...
Darrell Kay

There needs to be a reliable update advising us on when we will be allowed to save to Google Drive. This seems like a poorly supported product. I already find it difficult to understand when a paid user (which I am) cannot reach a tech support representative even by email. Relegating customers to a community forum where problems are not addressed with specificity or urgency, is poor business.

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