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Nitro 13 Freezing ever time I save document

Danielle Shaw

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Danielle Shaw

My Nitro 13 is freezing every single time I save a pdf.  It was doing this before and I completely uninstalled Nitro and installed the most recent version,  It worked fine for a few days and now it's doing the exact same thing.

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Danielle Shaw
On 2/6/2024 at 9:57 AM, Danielle Shaw said:

My Nitro 13 is freezing every single time I save a pdf.  It was doing this before and I completely uninstalled Nitro and installed the most recent version,  It worked fine for a few days and now it's doing the exact same thing.

Can I please get some help so I can use a program I paid for?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Danielle Shaw

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

I understand your Nitro PDF Pro 13 freezes every time you save a PDF. 
Could you please confirm if you are saving the PDF files to a local drive or to a network/shared drive like Google G: drive?

Kind regards, 

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Danielle Shaw

Our Product Team is already aware of this issue where Nitro PDF Pro does not respond (hangs) when saving the file to Google G: drive through Windows File Explorer.
This issue has been documented and submitted for their review. However, I apologize if we cannot provide an exact timeline for the fix.

In the meantime, the workaround we recommend to prevent the application from crashing is to save the document to the local drive, like Desktop, first and then copy that file from the Desktop to Google G: drive.

I understand that this will require additional effort in an existing workflow. However, this is the only workaround we can offer while investigating the crash issue.

Kind regards, 

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