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Nitro Pro in a virtual environment


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Our school district recently converted all our staff to a VMWare VDI environment.  We currently use Acrobat Pro but with the Adobe Creative Cloud now being required and not supported in our environment, we are sort of stuck.  Does Nitro support VDI?  


Thank you,



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Mario Kevesic

Hi Michael,

Thanks for posting on here!

If this request is for a large business, in some instances we will provide special builds that work in VDI but I suggest you reach out to our Sales team for more details: https://www.gonitro.com/business

When doing so, please provide detailed information about the number of licenses and the environment so that our Sales Reps can give you a specific answer.

If this request is just for 11 or less licenses, Nitro Pro won't work on VDI. 

Hope that helps!

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Daniel Sidler

@mjreccoppa I have Nitro Pro deployed on XenDesktop since version 8. This works fine and with the latest release I made the jump to Nitro-only on my published desktops, i.e. no Adobe Reader anymore. You need the Enterprise License, which comes with a static license key and doesn't require online activation. 

Hope that helps,


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