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Replace pages

David Jeffery

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David Jeffery

Nitro 11 - anyone know where the important Replace pages button has gone.

It was there in Nitro 10.

The only button in Nitro 11 is to Replace text - not much use for me.

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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

There is still a Replace Pages button in Nitro 11.  The button is now under the Page Layout tab. You can use the Favorite Tools item on the Home tab to add Replace Page back to the Home tab.

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  • 4 years later...
  • 1 year later...

We have converted from Adobe and this function was available on that software. We often have binders of multipe pdf's (drawings) and mark these up with hand written comments etc. When replacing the pages with an updated drawing, we sometimes want to be able to keep the comments/markups. Please can you advise how this is achievable. 

At present, the replace tool seems to lose the comments and this is not helpful. 


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