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How many versions included with Software assurance?


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How long does the software assurance last? I.e. how many versions are guaranteed to be included in the updates? The software assurance support page states: 
"Latest and greatest versions
Stay current with the newest Nitro Pro features and improvements with free annual product upgrades."
This implies multiple future versions are included.

Also, is there student pricing available? I have used the software in a previous workplace, however I am having trouble justifying the cost for private study.

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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

I would say that you should only count on getting 1 upgrade per year- it's not impossible that more could happen, but unlikely at best in my experience.

Student pricing is something you would have to ask about- submitting a ticket about this seems a bit weird, but I don't see a better way unless you ask them on social media: https://www.gonitro.com/support/ticket


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