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Combining Files


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I have two questions related to combining files.

First, when combining multiple PDFs the Combine Files window always defaults to Thumbnail View. The PDFs need to be sorted by date, so we'll switch the window to Detail List and sort it by date there. Is it possible to have the default view of the Combine Files window be set to Detail List? 

Second, after combining the PDFs and clicking Create it immediately prompts to save the combined PDFs somewhere. Is it possible to have Nitro open and actually view the newly combined PDF before saving it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again,

Any chance I can get an answer on these questions? I would have thought these would have been fairly simple to either answer or let me know that there isn't a solution for them.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Kelvin B. Villarin

Hi @WW5705,

Thanks for posting on our community forums and I apologize for the late reply!

Thumbnail View is the default view when combining files. At the moment there's no registry/ setting we can change to set the Combine's default view. 

For your second question, it needs to have a save location before it can combine. It is by design that it is saved first prior to combining and showing you the processed file.

In addition, if you wish to set the folder where all combined files are saved, I suggest that you go to Combine Files settings > Folder > Specific folder > Choose the desired folder > Click  OK

I hope this helps. 


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Hi Kelvin,

Thanks for the reply. That answers things nicely, thank you.

It sounds like saving before showing the document isn't something that could easily be changed, but would it be possible to add both as a feature request? If not the viewing before saving part, then at least the being able to change the default Combine view would be nice.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Official Nitronaut
On 10/20/2017 at 8:40 PM, WW5705 said:

Hi Kelvin,

Thanks for the reply. That answers things nicely, thank you.

It sounds like saving before showing the document isn't something that could easily be changed, but would it be possible to add both as a feature request? If not the viewing before saving part, then at least the being able to change the default Combine view would be nice.

Hello @WW5705,

We encourage you to please go to this page for your suggestions and feature requests: https://community.gonitro.com/forum/12-product-improvement/

Thank you for posting on our Community Forums!


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