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Bookmarks - removal of page number reference

Carsten Witt


Since moving away from ver. 9 we have been struggling with the auto-generation of bookmarks when using the COMBINE FILES feature.

The problem is that for some reason someone found it usefull to add a reference to the page numbers in the very bookmark title !!! This may be smart for some user, but totally annoying for us as we develop large "PDF-binders"  with 50-60 files combined, and these binders need to be revised now and then (by adding new document, delete pages etc.) But after doing this, the bookmark titles become confusing as they hold incorrect page no, references.

BTW, why would anyone need the page no. shown in a bookmark, which will take you directly to the page anyway. Instead, click on the bookmark and then see what the page no. is !

PLEASE, add an option in PREFERENCES  to disable/enable page number reference in the bookmark titles.....please!!!


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