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Problem with converting files

Adrienne H.

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I'm having a problem with converting/combining files into PDF. Every time we combine multiple files into the pdf format, the file keeps messing up images and random letters in the file. I.E: letters will appear to be below the rest of the line that they are on or turned pixelated.

I originally thought it was just because we were combining and converting multiple types of files (excel, docx files etc.) into one pdf file and format. So we tried doing it as just separately exporting the  individual excel and doc files into pdfs and then combining just pdf files. However, it seems to be any of them. 

Why is Nitro doing this and how do we fix it?


We use Nitro 10  


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @Adrienne H.,

Thank you for posting on our Community Forums!

You can find tips on how to get better results from the links below:

Increase conversion quality
Yielding better conversion results

Alternatively, you may want to try using our latest program Nitro Pro 11. If you would like to trial our latest product, Nitro Pro 11, you can download it from here: https://www.gonitro.com/pro/try

Hope that helps! Cheers!

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