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Combine does not load all pdfs

Collin Bel

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Hi Collin,

Thanks for posting to our Community forum!


Please submit a ticket to the Nitro Support team to help troubleshoot this issue.  I went ahead and tried it and was able to add more than 55 files to the combine feature.  There's no technical limit, but the more files you add the longer it will take to Combine.

Please submit a ticket to our team at www.gonitro.com/support/ticket




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  • 8 months later...

Hi Eli,

I have the same issue. Right now test driving the Nitro Pro 11, trying to combine about 400 files. Tried different ways, as all 400 pdfs would not load to cloud. Adding even just 50 files to the cloud, would fail to upload more than half (the whole process seems glitchy). Then tried combining 20 at a time without uploading, but from the local drive, and got an error saying Nitro can only combine 250 pages at a time. Sigh! Then tried combining 10 files at a time, success! Created two files from 10 sub-files each. Tried to combine those created 2 grouped files into a larger one, got another error saying it will not combine files to over 10MB. Double sigh! Is Nitro Pro 11 doing this because I'm still in Trial version? I need to know that this soft can do what I need it to do before I buy, this is the whole idea of trying the trial version. Please help to clarify.

Was gonna add screenshots, but could not figure out how to append them here. :(

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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

Hi Paul, you & Eli are describing slightly different processes- Eli is talking about using the Nitro 11 native combine function(non-cloud, all done locally), and you're talking about the Nitro Cloud function.  You'll definitely want to reach out about the limitations you're encountering there.

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Hey Steven, I was finally was able to combine 467 pdfs into one, but not in the cloud but on the PC that has the PC version installed locally. Even then, the combine function would only add 50 or so files at a time, so I had to click Add Files button to keep adding 50 files at a time till I had all of them in the order I needed. Then Nitro Pro 11 actually combined it into one, finally success! Curiously, I was also able to add all of the 467 files at once only by putting them in a folder and then adding a folder to combine, but then the files were all out of order, even tho they were consecutively numbered in the file names. And if you tried to resort that many files in the combine screen, its a time-sucking pain in the butt, cause it is not optimized for that. So, through trial and error, it is clear that the cloud feature has some serious limitations, which is also disappointing, because I work more in the cloud because I use multiple computers, while only one of them has a Nitro Pro 11 installed license, which is the only place that I can actually do some serious PDF-ing. I also use free DocHub, which works great in the cloud, and Nitro Cloud seems about the same, but for money. Only hope is that Nitro will build out its cloud capabilities further. 

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