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Installation on Server 2012 R2


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I'm trying to install Nitro Pro 11 on a terminal server - Windows Server 2012 R2.

I created an mst file using the Enterprise Deployment executable. I ran it using the command msiexec /I "F:\Install\Nitro PDF\nitro_pro11_x64.msi" /qb TRANSFORMS="F:\Install\Nitro PDF\nitro_pro_x64.mst" ALLUSERS=1

The installation runs and everything appears ok, however when opening Nitro Pro it throws an error "Unknown Error #: -80". After clicking "OK" Nitro closes so it is unusable.

I have installed the Nalperion license service and confirmed it is running.

I have used the cleanup utility, restarted, reinstalled etc with no luck.

I have submitted a support ticket but the support team has stopped responding to my emails and I haven't heard from them in about a week.

If anyone can provide some advice it'd be much appreciated.

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Alex Edwardes

Hi @RobynG83,

My apologies for the delay, the support agent you were working with has had to take leave for personal reasons, and some his cases are yet to be reassigned.
I have just taken over the case that you have had open and will respond in there after some research.

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