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Opening on wrong monitor


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Hi, I've had Nitro Pro for a few months now, and just over the past couple of days it's started to "jump monitors". I have a dual-monitor setup and I have Nitro minimized on monitor B, but when I maximize, it jumps to monitor A. It's the only program that does it (currently I have Excel and Firefox also open on monitor B and neither of these programs "jump"). Anybody else have this issue and know of a solution? TYIA, Christine

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello C.Kohl,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

Repairing might help. The instructions can be found here: http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/repair/000001641

Or you can try to use the cleanup utility to completely remove all Nitro Pro traces, including possibly corrupted traces. 

Please use the tool I have provided below to remove all files associated with Nitro Pro and reboot your system.


When your system is back up, close all of your open applications and install Nitro Pro

If you need the installers, please let me know what version you're using. If it's Nitro Pro 10 or 11, you can find the installers here: https://www.gonitro.com/support/downloads

If the issue persists, please open a support ticket here so we can help you out further.

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Thank you! I'm going to try this, the next time it happens. It seems to be sporadic now (today, it's opening on the correct monitor.)

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