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Nitro Opens Minimized


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Good Afternoon. I have Nitro Pro 11 Enterprise installed on my 2008 R2 Terminal Server. It works well for all users except for one. When she opens up Nitro either by double clicking a document or opening the Nitro program, the program opens minimized in the windows taskbar. It stays stuck there. The program properties tell Nitro to open in a Normal window. If you click the Nitro icon on the task bar, nothing happens so she is unable to view any PDFs. It stays minimized. I've rebooted the terminal server. I also checked task manager to ensure that only one instance of NitroPDF.exe was running. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any information you require, feel free to as.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Soldius56,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

This is a common scenario when multiple monitors are being used. When Nitro Pro is opened on a monitor that is later disconnected, it won't default to a current "active" display which causes Nitro Pro to display on the missing monitor. Kindly try these steps:
1) Focus on Nitro Pro by clicking on it on the Taskbar. 
2) Press the Windows key + Left/Right arrow until Nitro Pro appears.

Thanks for choosing Nitro and I hope this helps!

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