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Cannot combine files using Nitro Pro 11.0.3


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Good Morning.

I'm having the same issue. I tried to combine multiple files yesterday and I'm able to select the files I want to combine and I'm also able to name the file, however, when I click "Create", everything disappears. I seem to be the only one in my office that has this issue. We currently use Nitro Pro Can I please get some help with this issue?

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I need some help in combining files. I am able to select files and name the file, however when I click on "create" the screen disappears. Nothing gets created. I just found out that another individual on my team is having the same issues.

We use nitro for some very important submittals. Please let me know if you can help me get this resolved today. 

We currently use version Nitro Pro

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @alizville3,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

When combing files into one PDF file, are you doing this through your Nitro Pro > Home tab > Combine?

Have you tried selecting the files while viewing them in Windows Explorer > right-click > Combine files to Nitro Pro? Are you having the issue with this workflow?

Have you also tried a running a repair of your Nitro Pro program? To do this, you may refer to this article: http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/repair/000001641

Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing back from you. 

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Hello @AllainU

Thank you for your reply. Here is the process I went through:

1. Yes I used the Nitro Pro > Home tab > Combine

2. I had version 11, which I then had my IT team remove and upload version 12 (free trial - because we wanted to see if my serial number worked on a new version- which it didn't).

3. Using version 12 was a very slow process. It started to create a document but it was taking forever. It was well into 5 minutes and nothing was happening. 

4. I deleted version 12 and reinstalled version 11

5. I was now able to see some progress in combining documents, however, it takes for ever to try and combine a document. Version 11 was not letting me combine Word and PDF docs. It started to tell me there was an error.

6. I tried to do the  Windows Explorer > right-click > Combine files to Nitro Pro and I had the same issue.

7. I ran the repair of the program and restarted my computer and I'm still having the same issues. I am able to now see a pop up screen of the progress to combine the files (before i couldn't, it would just go away). However, none of files are being combined.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @alizville3,

Thanks for providing this information and my apologies for this inconvenience.

For me to better assist you on troubleshooting this issue, does this happen with certain files only or with all files?

If with certain files, would it be possible sending us copies (with sensitive information extracted) so I can replicate it on my end?

Also when you reinstalled Nitro Pro 11, did you still have the same build Kindly note our last build for this version is

Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing back from you. 

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Hi Allain,

It's happening with all of my .doc/.docx and pdf files. I can use Nitro Cloud and put the documents together and then download.

The reinstalled version is 11.7.411.

I'm not sure how to get the last build for Nitro 11.

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Hi Allain!

I figured it out! 

Found the newest version and installed that one. It was still giving me trouble so I performed the "repair" function and it started to work. I did a few trial runs before sending this message. Thank you for your help in helping me solve this!



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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @alizville3,

Thank you for your response and for letting me know that it worked after running a repair of the program.

Should you need further assistance not related to this issue, please do not hesitate to submit another forum post.



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