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NitroPDF changes number values vs Adobe Reader


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We typically get PDF forms with numbers. We noticed that the number value is different when viewed in NitroPDF vs Adobe Reader DC.


If you look at the column "Premium $" the numbers are different. The NitroPDF v12 has no $ sign and it has "80" throughout the 4 rows. On the right hand side, it is viewed from Adobe Reader DC and it has the correct number values. This is very concerning as we get a lot of these documents.

Also, NitroPDF shows 11 pages in total for the particular document that I noticed the issue. When opened in Adobe Reader DC, it is only 9 pages.

Any suggestions on what I need to do with NitroPDF to render the PDF correctly?

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @Reb,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Please provide us with the file so we can have a look and test.


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