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Index on first page NitroPro12

Frank Aret


Hi everybody

I work with NitroPro12 and was wondering if there is a functionality to automatically create an index based on bookmarks. Suppose I have a combined document with a lot of pages and the seperate documents are marked with bookmarks, is it the possible to create a first page which contains the names of the bookmarks with a hyper link. The index would be on first page like Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 etc.....  know it is possible manually (type text, create hyperlink that jumps to place in document). But since I already have the bookmarks, I would like to have it generated automatically.

Tips and hints are welcome,

Thank you

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Steven Zakulec

Kind of- there is an auto-build bookmarks function, and if there was an index when it was converted to PDF, it's usually carried over.

To do exactly what you want is probably not possible currently without finding some Javascript elsewhere that does that for you.

Here's the section on bookmarks:  https://www.gonitro.com/user-guide/pro/bookmarks

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