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Nitro Pro Upgrade / VIP Access / Premium Support


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I purchased the Nitro Pro Productivity Suite Upgrade / VIP Access / with Premium Support which had unlimited product updates in 2018.  There is no expiration date on my invoice at all.  I can't get a ticket entered, Cleverbridge says it is not their issue, no phone number to call.  Any ideas?  Thanks

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Shel,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

VIP Access expires after a year. Please let me know how I may help you.

For any issues using Nitro Pro, please provide me with the following:

- A detailed description of the issue you are experiencing
- The file you are working on
- Your OS (and also whether it is 32-bit or 64 bit?)
- What exact version of Nitro you are using (You can retrieve this information by going to the Help tab> About Nitro Pro.)
- The exact steps you are taking
- A screen shot of what you are seeing or any error message you are receiving


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