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Can't activate Nitro Pro 13 on new computer. Old computer died.


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I purchased Nitro Pro 13 in Sept 2019. Installed it immediately on my Surface Pro. Then replaced my Surface Pro in Nov and re-installed NP13 on the new device. The new Surface Pro was a dud and also had to be replaced. I have now installed NP13 on my 2nd replacement but can't activate it because I have reached the maximum number of installations. I've tried using the 'activation portal' but the serial number comes up as 'invalid' because it seems that this portal doesn't support the latest version of Nitro Pro. I need some help to de-activate the 2x previous installations so that I can activate NP13 on my new device. Thanks,

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @DeanP888,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

Kindly note that our Activation Portal as of the moment can only accept serial numbers with format 23460x-xxxxxx-xxxxxx where 'x' are random numbers.

With the release of Nitro Pro 13, it is now using a different format (5049xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and will soon be integrated into the same portal in the next coming months. As much as we would like to provide an ETA, it is not yet available.

To further assist you, I just made an adjustment on your license, so you can now activate your copy of Nitro Pro by going to Help tab > About Nitro Pro > Activate, entering your serial number and clicking Activate.

Thank you for choosing Nitro and I hope this helps!

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Hi @AllainU, 

Thanks for your quick response. How many computers can I activate with my license? Is my serial number valid to activate other computers now? 

Thanks again. 

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @DeanP888,

Yes, you should able to activate two machines now after the adjustments that I made.

Kindly note you have purchased a single user license. A single-user license can be used on two machines as long as you follow the rules outlined in our End User License Agreement (EULA):

'Licensee may install one copy of the Licensed Software on a single computer. The primary user of the computer on which the Licensed Software is installed may install a second copy of the software for his or her exclusive use on either a portable computer or a computer located at his or her home, provided the software on the portable or home computer is NOT USED at the same time as the software on the primary computer.'

Thank you for choosing Nitro and I hope this helps!

Edited by AllainU
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