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Converting PDF's to Image


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Hi, Nitro Pro is closing and reopening whenever i try to convert a PDF to image file. I have tried modifying the options and using different PDF's but same each time. The "exporting pdf file" dialog box hangs on 0% then shuts. Any ideas anyone? Am i able to get support from Nitro tech without VIP subscription?


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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @angusdesign

Thanks for posting here!

Please provide us with the following:

  • the file you are converting
  • your exact steps (please be specific)
  • some screenshots of what you see
  • the exact version you are using (to check, you can go to Help >> About Nitro Pro)


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  • File attached but, have tried others.
  • Open PDF>Convert tab>"To image">Chose pages>all>ok.....Nitro then closes and reopens. I have tryed changing the settings within the "To image" dialog box i.e. image file type and location but get the same crash.
  • Screen shots attached.
  • Screen shot attached.

Cant work out how to attach files, so please find link below


many thanks 



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