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Trial expired before I even started it


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I am a first time user and just downloaded Nitro. When I followed the directions to start a free trial, created the account and opened the program, it told me that my trial was expired. I have never used this program before, so I have never attempted a free trial. This is my first time ever using the program. I do not have another computer I can try this on. How can I get a free trial with my account I just created?

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Megan,

Thanks for reaching out! I would be more than happy to start the free trial period for you.
We will need you to provide us with your Nitro Installation ID.

1. Click the Help tab > About Nitro Pro > Deactivate (or Activate depending on the current status of Nitro)

2. In the Nitro Pro Activation Assist dialogue, click Advanced.

3. On the next dialogue box, you will see the Installation ID.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

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