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Nitro Pro is not responding


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Hello @BenjaminHe

Thank you for reaching out!

So that we can troubleshoot the problem, please provide me with the following:

- A detailed description of the issue you are experiencing
- The file you are working on
- What exact version of Nitro you are using (You can retrieve this information by going to the Help tab> About Nitro Pro.)
- The exact steps you are taking
- A screenshot of what you are seeing or any error message you are receiving

I look forward to your response.

Edited by Leslie V.
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I have the same problem--one that seems to be an historical issue with Nitro Pro: The cursor disappears or doesn't work in Nitro Pro 12. I have the most recent version of Nitro Pro 12  ( , and I just went through the ritual of repairing it without any luck. Searching a long document seems to guarantee it locks up despite having completed the search. The cursor may or may not disappear, but it becomes useless just the same.

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