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Failed Activation issue on Free trial version. Valid alternative to Adobe? TBD!

Tb Seacoast

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Tb Seacoast

Looking for a decent alternative to adobe acrobat, thought you folks might be able to provide a suitable solution.  Downloaded the "trial version" today; immediately after installing the program I received an error stating that my trial membership had ended.  Consequently I haven't been able to explore or use the program to level sufficient to justify the purchase of the fully licensed software.  Additionally, when I attempted to chat with tech support to correct the problem.  The chat bot was disappointing.  Finally worked my way around the chat bot and reached a real person,  Emilio who then immediately directed me to his forum  https://community.gonitro.com/ and asked that I post my issue.  In my opinion a further waste of my time a huge disappointment for anyone simply attmepting to try a new product.  These are all indicators that your product instills ZERO confidence in a potential customer.  I was hopeful you might provide a legit solution to those of us seeking to get rid of adobe,  however, I'm left skeptical, disappointed and have invested more than 30 mins of my valuable time trying to run down a solution to  access a free trial version of a program.   

Unacceptable from any company charging $159.00 for their product and attempting to compete with a behemoth like Adobe.

Seeking a solution worth the time I've invested to this point.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Tb Seacoast,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums and our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.

To further assist you, could you please provide the Computer ID that was generated by Nitro Pro on your machine?

For more details like screenshots of getting this data, kindly refer to:  https://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/computer id/000003832

To send it via private message, hover your mouse on top of my name 'AllainU' and select 'Message'.

Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

Edited by AllainU
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